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Pig launcher & Pig Receiver

Function: Pigging is the maintenance of pipelines refers to pipeline inspections through intelligent pigs & to perform various operations such as cleaning on a pipeline without stopping the flow of the product in the pipeline

Design Code: ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1 for QOEC & ASME 31.4 for Pig Trap
Sizes Range: 4" Nominal bore to 48" Nominal bore
Major MOC: Carbon steel

Safety Instruments: Proper position of the door closure with door switch, indicator, PSV, pressure transmitters, Interlocks, etc

S. Mark Has designed Pig launcher & receiver system as an integrated system with all necessary safety interlocks, Oil spillage protection & human error free operation.


Liquid Seal Drum

Function: seal drums, which are a specially designed vessel containing a predetermined level of water in the base of the drum. The main purpose of the liquid seal drum in a flare line is to stop flame propagation in the unlikely event of flashback
Design Code: API 521 & ASME VIII Div 1
Operating Range: 5 PSI to 15 PSI


Skid Based option: Yes

Heat tracing & Insulation option : Electrical Type tracing & Rock wool or Glasswool Insulation where cold can freeze the water.
Major Accessories: Vortex Breaker, Liquid Level Control, Relief Valve, Level & pressure Measuring & transmitting instruments.

Liquid seal drum

Flare package

Function: To burn the unused produced Gas safely & effectively
Design Standard: API 12J/ API 521, ASME Sec VIII Div-1
Main Component of the flare package: Water Seal drum or inline Flame Arrestor, knock out drum, Flare & Ignition system

Major MOC: Carbon steel

Accessories: Flame failure detection, pressure control & level control instruments, flow measuring instruments



Design Code: API 12J /API 521 & ASME VIII Div 1
Function: To eliminate the carry over of the liquid droplets & particulates in gas used for the combustion.
Helps the burner to achieve the exhaust of the burner to pollution control.

Operating Range: 5 PSI to 50 PSI

Capacity: Upto 10 MMSCFD Gas with carry over liquid droplets & particulates

Efficiency: 99.99% upto 5 Microns

Orientation: Horizontal or Vertical

Skid Based option: Yes

Major Accessories: Inlet Divertor, Mist Extractor, Auto drain, Relief Valve, Level & pressure Measuring & transmitting instruments.


Cellar Skids

An integrated solution developed for deep cellar for connecting the oil or Gas wells with various outlets & inlets such as production, Annuals outlet, Water injection, Chemical dozing with fully automated control from DCS.
The function achieved with Cellar skids are auto start/stop the wells, measured qty injection of hot water & chemicals, Heat tracing to avoid wax appearance in piping.

Celler skid

Oil Export & loading Skid with Loading Arm

Function: To transfer or dispatch the stored oil or effluent safely with out spillage & with all necessary safety.
Main Components: Oil Transfer pumps, Piping & valves, Loading arm & instrumentation
Capacity: 5 M3/hr to 50 M3/hr

Major MOC: Carbon steel, SS or DSS.

Safety Interlocks: Proper position of the loading arm with tanker, Overfill protection & Earth Integrity monitor with annunciation.
S. Mark Has designed the loading & oil export system as an integrated part with all necessary safety interlocks, Oil spillage protection & human error free operation.

Oil Export

Indirect Bath Heater

Function: Indirect Bath heater increase the flow ability of the crude & breaks the emulsion so that it can be separated in separator as oil, gas & water by increasing the temperature of the crude oil.

Indirect bath heater also helps the heat the crude oil in storage tanks by circulating the hot water to tank with coil.

Design Code: API12K & ASME Sec VIII Div-1

Process Fluid: Crude Oil, Oil & Gas Mixture & Gas

Main Components: Shell, Flow coil, Fire Box, Burner system with management system & Expansion tank.

Burner Management system: Control the Liquid Level, Pressure & temperature of the Flow coil fluid, Temperature of the water, Pressure & temperature of the Fuel for the burner, Flame Failure detection, Exhaust temperature control, Air pressure control

Skid: Yes

Accessories: pressure, temperature, Flow & level control instruments, Fuel Gas Scrubber or filter, Hot water circulation skid

Insulation: Rockwool or Glasswool



Gas Metering Skid

A gas metering skid is a part of a gas production plant that is pre-assembled on a steel structure, engaged to the measurement of gas products. It can be installed at the onshore or offshore location based on the requirement. Although several parameters are measured, the primary variable to be measured is the flow rate. Depending on the specific technology and user specifications, the measured flow rate can be a mass flow rate or a volumetric flow rate. The metering skid often used for further dealings, such as pressure-reduction by using control valves, filtration, and flow rate control by using different types of flow control valves.


Brine Filtration Unit

BRINCLEAN is S. Mark’s indigenously designed brine filtration unit. It meets industry requirements for good quality workover fluids.


BRINCLEAN is manufactured using high quality SS and strictly following ASME fabrication codes


BRINCLEAN produces brine with less than 4µ size


BRINCLEAN covers a wide range of filtering suspended particles: 40µ to 4µ sizes


BRINCLEAN has a 2 phase design that extends the life of the system


Knock Out Drums

Whenever a process requires that entrained droplets be removed from a vapor stream, a knockout drum should be integrated into the system. Condensation can occur when hot process gases cool considerably in the flare gas header and riser, and some gases also go to dew point at ambient temperatures and pressures and can therefore generate liquids. These droplets must be removed in order to avoid the phenomenon known as flaming rain, which occurs when liquid droplets are blown out the top of a flare stack along with ignited process gases. These vessels can be either horizontal or vertical.


S. Mark KOD Sizes:

  • Diameter: 3645mm

  • Length: 9144mm

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